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Chris Schoen
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Lara Shoemaker
Vice President of Programming
Give us a call at (262) 654-1004 or Send Us A Message

The Adult CCS programs in Kenosha and Milwaukee counties provide intensive case management services to adults with significant mental health and/or substance use needs and diagnoses. CCS is a psycho-social rehabilitation program that provides a flexible array of community-based services. The services to be provided are individualized to each person’s needs for rehabilitation as identified through a comprehensive assessment. These services incorporate a wraparound model of service delivery to assist the person in living their best possible life, reducing the impact of their mental health and/or substance abuse disorder, and assisting the person in their journey to recovery. This program uses approaches that are person-centered, strength-based, recovery oriented and build upon self-empowerment and hope to work towards achieving goals for a successful recovery.

The Bridges Program is a joint effort between the Kenosha County Division of Children and Family Services and the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD). The focus is on students that are on an abeyance or an expulsion from their home school and have gotten approval from the school board to attend the program. The Bridges Program utilizes a number of resources sequentially, progressing students back into the traditional school environment. Participants are regular education students between the ages of 12 and 18. The program is intended to be a short-term interim placement for struggling students who need one-to-one attention in order to plan for graduation and career preparation and to re-engage in an appropriate educational environment. This program is designed to allow the instructor to work with students and their families to determine the appropriate educational option available through KUSD.  Our philosophy, derived from Native American tradition, focuses on “The Circle of Courage” as the cornerstone of creating a positive educational climate for today’s discouraged youth. The “Circle” affords students the opportunity to achieve success by touching on four areas of personal growth: The spirit of belonging; the spirit of mastery; the spirit of independence; and the spirit of generosity.

The Comprehensive Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program (CADTP) is designed to work with adults who have abused or are addicted to opiates, alcohol, or stimulants and have a history of criminal behavior or psychiatric hospitalizations. Through intensive case facilitation, medication assisted treatment and alcohol and drug counseling, the program provides participants with the necessary skills, resources and treatment to become more productive members of society. The program works closely with the Department of Human Services’ Division of Aging and Disability as well as other community based agencies to access resources for housing, employment, transportation and economic support.

The Coordinated Response to Child Abuse (CO-RE) program is responsible for ensuring that coordination occurs across disciplines in the investigation of child sexual abuse, severe physical abuse and severe neglect. Program goals include minimizing the trauma of the investigation for child survivors and facilitating appropriate therapeutic intervention for survivors, perpetrators, and families. The CO-RE Coordinator regularly convenes multi-disciplinary team meetings with representatives from the Kenosha County Department of Human Services, law enforcement, Juvenile Court Intake Services, the District Attorney’s Office, the Victim/Witness Program, Probation and Parole, school districts, community service agencies, and the medical and mental health communities. The CO-RE Coordinator also provides training for team members and the community at large.

This program is a joint venture with Juvenile Intake Services (JIS) and works with youth on deferred prosecution agreements (DPA). The program is designed to provide additional support to youth at risk of having their DPA revoked and being referred to Juvenile Court. Successful completion of the agreement means that the youth is not formally prosecuted in the already overburdened Juvenile Court. The program also assists in locating youth and families who do not show up for their initial appointments with JIS and were subsequently formally referred to court. This service is an additional attempt to keep minor offenses from being referred to court.

The Electronic Monitoring (ELM) Program offers an alternative to incarceration and out-of-home placement for youth in Kenosha, with referrals coming from Kenosha County’s  Division of Children and Family Services or Juvenile Court. ELM is an effective tool for the monitoring of a youth’s adherence to court order or case manager restrictions. The monitor creates an electronic record of client movement to confirm compliance with house arrest or curfew. Violations are reported to workers on a daily basis.

Families First provides wraparound case management services to youth with significant mental health needs who require intensive in-home and community-based supports. The program is designed to keep families intact, prevent out-of-home placements or hospitalizations, and increase independent functioning. Families First embraces an approach to treatment that is team-based, person-centered, strengths-based, and progress-driven. For qualifying and eligible youth, a service facilitator will complete annual comprehensive assessments, create an individualized plan for services, coordinate care, facilitate team meetings, create safety plans, and provide additional forms of support that help families and youth reach their goals. This wraparound model of care is derived from participation in the Coordinated Services Team Initiative through the State of Wisconsin. Families First combines benefits from multiple programs under one umbrella to ensure all care needs are met including Comprehensive Community Services (CCS), the Children’s Long Term Support Waiver (CLTS), and Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP).

This program provides home-based, intensive individual and family treatment that addresses the multiple determinants of delinquent behavior in youth who are involved in the Kenosha County Juvenile Court System. Referrals are received through the Youth Justice Unit of DCFS. The program is designed to involve therapists working with the referred youth and families through multiple weekly contacts in the home and other community settings.  The program utilizes the Multisystemic Therapy approach, with the therapist working to understand the function of the youth’s maladaptive behavior as well as the strengths within the family system.  The primary goals of this program are to reduce delinquent behavior, prevent out-of-home placements, and improve family functioning in such a way that the family is able to maintain those improvements after program involvement is ended. The program is designed as short term with a targeted average of five to six months of service.

The purpose of the Gang Resistance and Service Projects (GRASP) Program is to reduce gang activity in Kenosha County by incorporating interventions to address the range of personal, family, and community factors that contribute to delinquency and gang activity. This program plans and facilitates incentive-based educational, social, family, recreational and community services that are intended to provide at-risk or gang-involved youth, under the age of 18, with a positive alternative to gang and/or delinquent activity. GRASP also works directly with youth ordered to perform community service work or restitution through a Juvenile Court order or deferred prosecution agreement. Work performed by youth is age appropriate and focuses on building skills for future employment.

This program works with families referred from the Division of Children and Family Services’ (DCFS) Child Protective Services and Ongoing Unit to maintain safety in homes where children are at-risk for removal.  Teams are assigned to families and address a wide range of concerns including safety, parenting, household management, nutrition, safe and stable housing, service acquisition, education, employment, medical, mental health and substance abuse issues. Emphasis is placed on helping families develop formal and informal systems of support and resources.

The Intensive Aftercare Program (IAP) provides services to youth placed out of their home in corrections, residential treatment, foster care and treatment foster care. IAP works with the youth and the institution or foster home to ensure that an effective plan of care is established to address the current treatment needs so that the youth can be returned home or to a less restrictive placement as quickly as possible. Staff attends all case staffings and reviews and visit the youth in placement minimally once a month to monitor their progress. IAP provides transportation so families can be a part of their child’s treatment, and  children can participate in home visits. Once youth are released from placement, IAP staff will monitor their compliance with their aftercare plan for a minimum of 90 days. IAP also provides services to child welfare families whose children are currently in or at risk of being placed in foster care. IAP works with families who are close to completing their conditions of return.

The Intensive In-Home Services Program provides therapeutic and parenting services to families involved in or at risk of becoming involved in the formal social services system for abuse, neglect, truancy, and/or delinquency issues. Referrals for services come from Kenosha County DCFS. The program strives to preserve the family, reduce out-of-home placements, and aid in reunification where necessary. Parent mentors, therapists, youth support specialists, and substance abuse counselors provide intensive in-home services to families to address such issues including, but not limited to mental health, alcohol/other drug abuse, parenting, and family conflict. Staff utilize evidence based practices to meet clients’ treatment goals, including Circle of Security Parenting, Functional Family Therapy, The Seven Challenges, and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.

The Intensive Supervision Youth Competency Program is designed to address the needs of youth adjudicated by juvenile court, whose problematic behavior puts them at risk for an out-of-home placement. This program uses the concepts of positive youth development to provide services to help youth successfully complete their supervision, commit no new delinquent acts, improve decision making, and assist parents in establishing clear, consistent rules and age appropriate expectations.

ILS is a Pilot Program for Kenosha County residents over the age of 18 that have a need for assistance in one or more activities of daily living. This program will help offer funding to meet the needs for those who are not involved in Medicaid Long Term Care programming nor living in residential or long-term care facilities. The program is intended to provide functionally eligible individuals with resources that can help them continue to live independently in their homes. Resources may include items such as specialized medical equipment, home or vehicle modifications, personal care, respite care, financial management services and more.

PSG is a registered vendor with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to provide services to DVR consumers in Employment Readiness Evaluation, Job Preparation and Job Development, as well as Career Assessment. An Employment Readiness Evaluation provides an assessment of an individual’s job readiness through an in-depth review of their resume, application, references and interviewing skills.  Job Preparation includes  resume development, successful interviewing techniques, using the Internet for job search, creating cover letters and thank you notes, and practicing relevant job seeking skills. Job Development is the application of a consumer’s job readiness skills to secure employment. Often times, a paid work experience is necessary to hone an individual’s work skills before obtaining unsubsidized employment. Staff work with employers to arrange for work experiences and/or job placement, matching consumers to positions for successful outcomes.

The Monitored Home Detention (MHD) Program provides frequent and consistent monitoring of youth detained to their homes or other non-secure living arrangements. Referrals to the program come from Kenosha County Division of Children and Family Services or Juvenile Court. MHD serves as an alternative to secure detention for youth in need of added structure and monitoring. The program monitors compliance with court ordered or case manager mandated restrictions placed on youth prior to (and after) the disposition hearing. Staff contact youth one to two times daily at home or school and school attendance is checked on a daily basis.  Violations are reported to case managers daily, attendance printouts and client contact summaries are delivered to case managers weekly, and are available at every court hearing. Youth can be on the program as long as the court deems necessary, but involvement is usually 30 – 60 days.

The Resource Development Program is responsible for the recruitment and retention of foster parents and child care providers for the Kenosha County Division of Children and Family Services. Licensing and certification studies are conducted to examine qualifications of applicants and ensure all State requirements are met. The Resource Development Placement Coordinator locates appropriate foster homes for children when out-of-home placement is necessary. The Placement Coordinator, as well as the Foster Parent Trainer, act as “troubleshooters” to lend help and support to foster parents in an effort to maintain placements and retain foster homes.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please email!

The Supportive Foster Care Program provides support for foster parents who provide homes for high-risk/special needs children and adolescents who are considered at risk for medium to long term placement outside of their natural home and/or community. Therapists provide social work and other support services including emergency on-call availability, weekly mental health and/or AODA counseling and foster family problem solving and needs resolution meetings. Our therapists also facilitate Trauma-Informed Parenting trainings for foster and biological parents.

The TIME Program was developed in 1985 as a self-contained, complete, alternative school to meet the needs of adjudicated, emotionally disturbed and other high risk youth who were unable to function in a conventional educational setting. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse counseling, anger management, individual, group, and family therapy is an accepted part of the daily curriculum. As a result, it is not uncommon for individual students to be involved in one or more treatment related activities on school grounds, as well as the home or clinic setting. Our philosophy, derived from Native American tradition, focuses on “The Circle of Courage” as the cornerstone of creating a positive educational climate for today’s discouraged youth. The “Circle” affords students the opportunity to achieve success by touching on four areas of personal growth: The spirit of belonging; the spirit of mastery; the spirit of independence; and the spirit of generosity.

The Youth Outreach program is a partnership between Kenosha County DCFS and Kenosha Unified School District. The program utilizes liaisons at multiple middle and high schools to support youth at-risk for academic failure, dropout, truancy, and delinquency. Many of the identified youth are also at risk for gang involvement as well as alcohol and drug abuse. Staff provide support, guidance, and prosocial activity opportunities to assist students in learning new skills. Liaisons in the elementary program assist parents in engaging in their child’s education in order to reduce their child’s truancy and promote educational success. Elementary staff will work with families to create individualized strategies and support services in order to provide concrete supports to parents to prevent truancy, ultimately resulting in increased success for students.

Parents and child jumping on a bed
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